Posted at May 7, 2020

1984 and Totalitarian Governments (Stalin and Hitler) Book Review

The novel 1984 written by George Orwell, is a set of comments on society as it clearly shows how an individual with a high rank and great power is capable of controlling and manipulating the population and illustrates how individuals behave without thinking by copying automatically the activities of people around them. 

The novel 1984 narrates the tale of a world which is going through a totalitarian government in which the independence of people is taken away, and there is inequity present to everyone by the loss of seclusion. This is a world in which information can be modified and impacted for favoring the ones who have authority. The book was written after World War II as an alarm against the government, which is centralized and dictatorial. The writer stated that each line of the books which he has written since the year 1936 had been against the centralized and dictatorial government and in support of political democracy. The author was completely against the radical socialism and regimes of Stalin and regarded himself as a democratic socialist. The author of the novel was impacted and inspired by the totalitarian system of government of that period involving Stalin’s Soviet Union and Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany.  

Both systems of government honored their leaders with divine status and considered them their heroes, needed the demolition of every separate existence for promoting the requirements of the party over people. The governments wanted complete allegiance from the people and turned to brutality whenever unfaithfulness was doubted. Furthermore, both systems of government continually portrayed their foes as threatening, just like the Party and Big Brother do in the novel, via Hate Week, Two Minutes Hate, and spreading false information. Other parallels involve the Thought Police as a change of the Geheime Staatspolizei that was the secret police of Nazi Germany, Narodny Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs) that arranged huge level expulsions and horrors, and the Spies and Youth League as a change of the Hitler Youth and the Little Octoberists that brainwashed teenagers and adults and made them report unfaithfulness seen in the people even in their family members. 

The resemblance between the government of Stalin and Oceania of 1984 is specifically noticeable. Like Stalin, the regime of Oceania adopted traits of both fascism and communism. Fascism honors the sagacity of the leader while communism honors the unerring of the Party. It can be seen in the book where Big Brother was revered as a sage, and loving leader and the Party was assembled around its own assumed unerring. Moreover, a lot of the elements of Oceania’s regime like the Three-Year Plans and compelled toil bases seemed to be thinly concealed reference to elements of Stalin’s government. Also, this is usually said that Big Brother of Oceania with his dark hair and the heavy task was influenced by the larger-than-life picture of the face of Josef Stalin usually appeared in the Soviet Union. 

Many times, the actions of people are the result of their attempt to fit into society. It often happens because they feel scared and worried about being subject to dismissive language or attitude if apparent disparities and originality is revealed. For the whole of the Two Minute Hate, the crowd of individuals screamed at the screen with great vigor as if they completely lack control over themselves. This was not possible to do in other ways, to conceal one’s sentiments and emotions, to do what all other people were doing; it was an innate response. People were impacted by the individuals surrounding them and played their part in the Hate session entirely because of their intuitive response that stops the people from revealing their uniqueness. 

To summarize the whole story, the book 1984 gives examples of real-life circumstances that still exist in society. It shows how the centralized and dictatorial government (totalitarianism) misuses its authority for its advantages instead of doing something for human development. 


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