Originally–and by original, I mean prior to cement, stomping boots, and machines–nature was an array of rainbow colors. Green, blue, orange, yellow, pink. Originally, everything was untouched, unmoved. The world was, in its original state, a garden of lovely, dangerous, peaceful animals. This Lune poem paints the image of nature prior to the Fall of Humanity.
“Sense of Nature”
The original taste
Of nature
Is the breath of God.”
The creator of our world breathed life into Earth, forming a place where animals and humans were allies. The flavor of nature was God’s breath, the very thing that formed the world we live in. If you look close enough at the leaf you hold in your hand, or the grass under your feet, or the cloud above you, you may inhale that scent. It’s the life from God’s lungs that you’re breathing in.
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