NGO Earth Agent is proudly announcing a launch of new at-home entertainment, “Hit Hollywood.” Due to COVID-19 and this health situation, we encourage everyone to stay home and safe to eliminate COVID-19 as soon as possible for all of us to get back to our normal life. While staying home, Hit Hollywood allows its users to stay active at home by its special features: posting articles and short stories to share; creating discussion threads to chat about their hobbies and likes; offering services and products. By these features, users are offered “comfort” by knowing that they belong to a community. During this tough time period with pandemic threats and lockdowns, human interactions have been dramatically dropped. Students do not see their classmates and workers do not see their co-workers, as schools and offices are closed. “Social Distance” has literally increased the distance between person and person within the community. Therefore, this state of mind of “I am not alone” is significantly important to every single person in the society to stay strong and fight COVID-19. Hit Hollywood connects people within society.
Furthermore, Hit Hollywood is working with 100 young writers with loves and dreams to deliver smiles to the whole country. Every single day, new exciting contents will be uploaded on Hit Hollywood Magazine so that users can look forward to those positive and great contents to read everyday. If users like them, they can leave positive feedback and connect with the writers, as well as the other readers. One new excitement will be added to “stay-home life” on top of live-streaming websites such as Netflix and YouTube etc. which everyone is already utilizing.
With Hit Hollywood, human interactions and new entertainment with 100 young writers will be delivered to every single person in the United States. Stay active, have fun, and interact with others, and stay strong and positive to eliminate COVID-19. We are all in this together!
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