My father told me that I’m way too nice. I compliment people, I help them, I make them happy as
Tags: #lesson #social #bekind #compassion #spreadthepositivity ReadmoreTugging at the Heartstrings
I made a grown man cry. How’s that for an entrance? It’s true though. You’re probably pondering to yourselves how
Tags: #heartstrings #breakdowntheosewalls #newarticle #life #hithollywood #story #spreadthepositivity ReadmoreIdeas for Life After Quarantine
I’m bored. I’ve been stuck in my house, barely going outside to even smell the fresh air except whenever
Tags: #bucketlistideas #hithollywood #quarantine #life #creativity #spreadthepositivity ReadmoreAlter-Ego: a Playwright
The Raven & Me –a play by Tori Alicia Nicole Pittman– Act I, Scene I (it’s raining, but the
Tags: plays playwright alter egos dual personalities Readmore4 of the Worst Attempts at Video Game DRM
PC gamers don’t like digital rights management in the best of times. More often than not, it does little to
Tags: always online DRM, Denuvo, digital rights managment, Doom Eternal, DRM, Monkey Island, xbox one ReadmoreThe Origin of your Flame
This was a post written before the outbreak of COVID-19, and it can be found on Hope you enjoy
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The Fallout Universe is a big one. With six games and two dubiously canon spinoffs, there’s no shortage of lore
Tags: Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout fan theoires, Fallout game, Fallout New Vegas ReadmoreA Heart for the Work
“I thought the poverty, chaos, and sadness I saw there were products of my Northern vision, that of a doctor