Posted at May 11, 2020

Things to do at Home

While states are little by little reopening, there are a lot of people who are still unsure to step out just yet. Wanting to remain safe, people still are staying at home, getting accustomed to this kind of living. Eventually we’re all going to have to get back out there, and possibly by then, a vaccine will be produced. In the meantime, there are several things to do at home that can be fun, entertaining and productive.

A lot of creators are developing content every day. There’s always something to check on social media for your entertainment purposes. Streaming services, because nowadays, regular cable is unable to produce new shows. Some shows, however, are still airing their program, just at home. Some shows are doing re-runs. Others, like soap operas are airing “throwback” shows, which have been enjoyable to watch. Netflix, Hulu and Disney are cashing out for real, because of the access and services provided.

While certain areas have their gyms closed, and others don’t mind exercising outside, there’s creative ways to exercise inside your home. Anyone can pull up a workout video and follow along to the instructions. Or do Zumba to put some spice into your routine. There’s also yoga and meditation for those who feel more comfortable taking that route in their Zen.

If you have kids, like I do, you’re never bored. Like seriously, you’re never bored. You can play hide-n-seek in your home, just make sure the kids’ hiding spot is somewhere safe. I have bought a playground set for them since public playgrounds are closed. They can go to their Nana’s house anytime to play. Hop into their imaginary world and see what they’re up to, and play with them. If they hand you a toy, grab it and play. Now’s the perfect time to really spend that quality time with your children, of course after the home-schooling portion is over.

Card and board games always exercises the brain. Puzzles have been a hot commodity, as they’ve been sold out in many stores, yet it’s something to do. You can learn a new skill or hobby, as long as it’s fun and safe.

All you artists, such as myself, this is a wonderful to create something to show off to the world once everything is back in full swing. Any music, drawing, writing and other artistic content. Our time is now. We can only hope this steer into the direction of opportunity!

There are plenty of things for you to do while you’re at home, and playing it safe. We got this!


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