Posted at May 1, 2020

Body Image

“Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception” (McShirley, 2019, pp. 2). Body image can portray both negative and positive outcomes when relating to it.  The preferred body image has changed greatly over the course of the years. Previously, fatness was viewed as a sign of wealth and beauty. Individuals who were poor were viewed as thin and frail. However, “by the 1920’s the Victorian hourglass gave way to the thin flapper who bound her breasts to achieve the washboard profile that looked so good doing the Charleston” (Historical Context for Negative Body Image, n.d., pp. 3). Then came Marilyn Monroe with her perfect curves and voluptuous body. She was envied and fantasized by many. The late 1960’s brought the model Twiggy who only weighed a whopping 91 lbs. She was the face of popular brands and the role model of many young girls. The 1990’s showcased the perfect woman as thin waisted with big breasts. Because of this inconsistent progression of what is considered the perfect body image for women, body image has become a big problem.

These unrealistic perceptions of the perfect body image have resulted in both men and women having negative body image issues. Society and the media have played a big role throughout history regarding this issue. “The media presents a thinner than average women as ideal and implies a strong connection between being thin, using beauty products and being happy” (Historical Context for Negative Body Image, n.d., pp. 16). Although the media is responsible for portraying women and men under a certain light they are not ultimately “responsible for the body dissatisfaction epidemic but it is an integral part of it” ( Historical Context for Negative Body Image, n.d., pp. 19). In desperate attempts to appease society and their demands both men and women have gone to extreme measure that have affected their wellness to reach a better body image.


Society has a history of portraying women and men in an unrealistic way. In movies and film only thin, attractive women and men are primarily casts. The heroine always tends to be white, thin, and beautiful. The men tend to be tall, buff, and attractive. When the male prognostic takes his shirt off, he has washboard abs. These images are constantly being displayed as marketing techniques everywhere we turn. When Dior or Chanel are promoting new products, they don’t employ a size 12 female model. They have a size 0 beautiful exotic female.  These are images we constantly see in our society. Looking through our literature, photography, and fine art it is clear what image society is trying to illustrate regarding body image. When it comes to wellness, seeing this unrealistic expectation on a daily basis begin to affect our psyche regarding the perfect body image and how to obtain it. This can lead to a lot of health and wellness problems which include body dysmorphia, anorexia, depression, bulimia, etc.

Negative body image from friends and family is in integral part of body image dissatisfaction and wellness tribulations. Different cultures can be a big part of this as well. Some cultures have deemed fatness as ugly. Today, in society various cultures still hold on to beauty pageants like Miss Universe. During those televised shows they demonstrate what each country considers their most beautiful women. Again, these types of images are damaging to negative body connotations. Having a positive body image is important for general wellness. When a person learns to love themselves for who and how they are, they will be at peace mentally and physically. Emotional wellness is one of the most important dimensions of wellness. Having a positive body image will contribute to having stable emotional wellness.




Historical Context for Negative Body Image. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

McShirley, C. (2019). What is Body Image?. Retrieved from:

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