Victorian Era Fiction to Get You Through COVID-19 (Chapter 10)

Times are tough in the US at the moment, I hope this continuation of creative writing can help some people

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Victorian Era Fiction to Get You Through COVID-19 (Chapter 9)

Chapter Nine Once Mary had gone off on her honeymoon and her trousseau along with her, both Ruth and her

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Victorian Era Fiction to Get You Through COVID-19 (Chapter 8)

Chapter Eight Mary’s wedding, hurried at her own request, took place a mere three weeks after Mr. Farnsworth’s proposal. She

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Victorian Era Fiction to Get You Through COVID-19 (Chapter 7)

Chapter Seven Mary felt that she had to confess to her mother that a connection between her and Anthony Chamberlain

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Cíhuacoatl and La Llorona

Some notes regarding Cíhuacoatl and La Llorona from Celebrating Latino Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Cultural

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The Allegory of the Cave Essay

The allegory of the prisoners in the cave watching shadows on the wall relates to us today because we, as

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